Sunday, 2 February 2025

Between Tradition and Innovation in Yoruba Thought: Who is Moyo Okediji the Reformer and Recreator of Yoruba Knowledge Systems and Why is He Being so Hotly Criticized?


 This collage shows Moyo Okediji in his physical positionings in relation to

                                   his odu ifa visualizations.

                          Pictures from Moyo Okediji


An examination of the controversies provoked by Moyo Okediji in the community of practitioners of Yoruba spiritualities, Isese, particularly in Nigeria, but also resonant in Isese communities  outside Africa.

I present Okediji’s positions in terms of how they are seen by his critics, juxtaposing this with an account of his vision and history in relation to Yoruba culture and the significance for the development of the tradition of the debates he has inspired.


The Controversies Provoked by Moyo Okediji

Moyosore Okediji, better known as Moyo to many, has ignited fierce debates, particularly in the Nigerian branch of Isese, the community of practitioners of Yoruba spirituality and its associated arts, in its practice in Nigeria, its origins, and its near global spread.

A good number of commentators wonder what gives Okediji the temerity to aspire to expand the odu ifa, the organizational structure of Ifa, the central, unifying Yoruba knowledge system, odu ifa being a magnificent mathematical structure that has endured unmodified for centuries.

How dare he assert he can improve on Ifa as created by Orunmila, believed to embody divine wisdom, understood to be present at the time of creation, in which role he was even consulted by Olodumare, the creator of the universe?

Who is Okediji to claim to be able to create new ese ifa, Ifa literature, a massive, largely oral corpus of unknown size, believed by one view to be composed by Orunmila, embodying events spanning a vast range of human history since the beginning of time?

How dare he analyze an ese ifa in the odu chapter called Ose Tura, which depicts Orunmila as having sex with the female orisha/goddess Oshun without her consent while she slept, leading to a fierce response from the goddess upon waking, a response from which Orunmila barely escaped with his life, Okediji urging that people examine Orunmila's actions in relation to contemporary understanding of rape?

As if such effrontery were not enough, these critics may be described as arguing, this iconoclast, a would be smasher of traditional pillars holding up the Isese community, dares to argue that women are not adequately empowered in Ifa, being restricted to honorific but ultimately carefully limited roles.

Is he not aware, they argue, that women are highly valued in Ifa, as demonstrated by various ese ifa, Ifa’s scriptural knowledge corpus, as well as the actual practice of Ifa as a social institution?

Further cementing what these critics see as the destructive intentions of Okediji is his argument that animal sacrifice is cruel, as he advocates against the killing of animals in Isese, in contradiction of the fact that animal sacrifice is integral to the tradition and is enshrined in its most authoritative scriptures, the ese ifa, which often prescribe animal sacrifice to address issues brought before the Ifa oracle, such sacrifices having a precise role in the cosmic economy of Isese, using the circulation of life force in various aspects of nature in modifying aspects of existence, as these arguments may be summed up.

Consolidating what his critics understand as Okediji’s ultimately anti-Isese stance is his description of what he describes as the use of animal sacrifices as a primary economic strategy as widespread among Isese priests, particularly a good number of babalawo, adepts in the esoteric knowledge of Ifa, priests capitalizing on the oral, unfixed character of Ifa divination to prescribe animal sacrifices the ultimate justification of which is the enlargement of the food store of the priest, provocative claims Okediji reinforces with eloquent pictures.

Most disturbing of all, his critics may be described as arguing, is his creation of something he calls Ifa Tuntun, New Ifa, a day old chicken, as it were, presuming to rework the biological processes through which living forms exist, Ifa being an expression of cosmic structure and dynamism, its form a distillation of cosmic wisdom by the ageless divine intelligence, Orunmila.

These initiatives have ignited Isese Facebook space because, for more than a decade, Okediji has built and sustained platforms promoting Isese as traditionally understood, his University of Ifa Facebook page and his Facebook wall, platforms escalating his new initiatives in terms of high penetrative power that has alarmed the Onisese, the members of the Isese community, particularly in Okediji's native Nigeria.

Okediji must have been corrupted by his long stay in the West, its being stated.

Westernocentric self hate must have inflicted him, looking down on his Yoruba culture from the Western citadels in which he has become culturally lost as a professor of art at the University of Texas, it is argued.

When did he start his Ifa investigations anyway, so much so that his head has become so swollen that he aspires to tear down the traditional knowledge architecture and replace it with his upstart thinking?

Can a person be more of a traitor to his own Yoruba and African culture than Moyo Okediji?

One view calls him demented, as some cast him in the most vile terms.

The possibility of an Islamic style fatwa being invoked on Okediji, as was done for Salman Rushdie by the Ayatollah Khomeini, was averted only by inward self-search acknowledging that Yoruba culture is alien to violent defense of religion.

The Vision and History of Moyo Okediji

What is going on?

Okediji and his critics are operating on opposite ends of the same goal- the elevation of Yoruba culture.

I have been engaging with and studying Okediji for more than a decade. I have a blog and a website dedicated to his work from as far as 2009. I have written essays on his Ifa innovations from before his recent efforts. I therefore understand myself to be an Okediji scholar, a person studying his work.

I am also a scholar and practitioner of Yoruba knowledge systems, in general, and Ifa, in particular, having published significantly in those fields, and developed a number of novel initiatives in those bodies of knowledge, efforts facilitating my contextualization of Okediji’s work.


I don’t represent Okediji  and don’t seek his input in my interventions about him. He has been sufficiently a public figure since his prominence in the 80s and 90s as a notable artist in the second or third generation of Nigerian artists to make such consultation unnecessary in responding to his work.

As a scholar, I’m not bound to share his views about himself and his work. My loyalty is only to a critical relationship to knowledge as I understand it.

Its vital to place Okediji's Isese initiatives in perspective, so their significance to the history and possibly the development of the tradition can be more readily grasped.

I have fought severally with Okediji on Facebook and fallen out with him over the years. Some of those disagreements emerged from my views of him as overly Yorubacentric and inadequately critical at the time in his veneration of Ifa.

It would be hard to be more Yorubacentric and more Ifacentric than Moyo Okediji.

One way to do that is to be a gun carrying Yoruba nation agitator, which Okediji might not be able to do because he is likely to be a pacifist.

I see his Yorubacentric political views, evident in his response to the relatively recent struggle for the governorship of Lagos State and his comments on the ethnic centred stance of UK Tory leader Kemi Badenoch, as evidence of an overly Yorubacentric view of the world.

I once challenged his efforts at using geography in giving credence to a view of Ife, the Yoruba spiritual centre, as the centre of the world.

A debate in which I argued against what I described as exaggerated claims by him for the scientific significance of Ifa is archived under my name on the document platform Scribd.

     The Self Recreation of Moyo Okediji from Yorubacentric  Veneration to  

     Yorubacentric Celebration and Critique


So, what is happening with Moyo Okediji?

The man has matured beyond traditional understandings of Yoruba culture.

In the past, he was like the Nigerian/Yoruba writer Wole Soyinka, whose works are centred on a largely venerational approach to Yoruba culture.

He is now more like the Nigerian/Igbo writer Chinua Achebe, whose novels Things Fall Apart and Arrow of God and his great short story "The Madman" in Girls at war and Other Stories, derive their power significantly from both celebrating and critique classical Igbo civilization, the critique not being perhaps obvious to some beceause of the dazzling force of Achebe's narrative genius, and the ironic, subtle character of the critique, provoking questions of alternative ways of looking at the culture so powerfully portrayed.

Okediji’s current responses to Yoruba spirituality, in general, and to Ifa, in particular, emerges from a lifetime of studying Yoruba culture, particularly at the intersection of art and thought, for more than 50 years, having lived inside it in the first perhaps 40 years of his life, before emigrating to the United States, while continuing his study of the culture as central to his artistic and scholarly work.

He was perhaps born in and certainly matured in Ife, the Yoruba spiritual centre, as the son of a writer in Yoruba.

       The Ife School of Yoruba Studies

Okediji did his BA at the then University of Ife, and taught there as an academic, all in the decades when scholars at that university, from Pierre Verger to Wande Abimbola to Akinsola Akiwowo, Barry Hallen, Olubunmi Sodipo, Rowland Abiodun, Babatunde Lawal and others, created what is now globally known as Yoruba Studies, taken forward into the present by other scions of that university, such as Toyin Falola and Akinwumi Ogundiran, and others influenced by the Unife initiatives, such as Henry Drewal and Margaret Thompson Drewal and others beyond the Unife radiation.

The Ife School of Yoruba Studies, as it may be called, is characterized by synergy between Western style scholarship and Yoruba knowledge systems and its traditional culture bearers, exemplified by Hallen and Sodipo's work with onisegun, herbalists in Yoruba culture, in their Knowledge, Belief and Witchcraft, a style of study particularly evident in Henry Drewal and Margaret Thompson Drewal's work with the babaláwo Kolawole Ositola in ''An Ifa Diviner's Shrine in Ijebuland'' and Margaret Drewal's Yoruba Ritual, an approach also evident in their other, ground breaking work, penetrating into the esoteric depths of Yoruba culture.

Okediji’s Achievements in Relation to Yoruba Culture and  African Art

That is the tradition Okediji is coming from, which shaped his role in Ona, the artistic movement centred on Yoruba culture, and his teaching at the then University of Ife, influencing such a currently internationally prominent artist as Victor Ekpuk, who, influenced by the stance of Okediji, Abiodun and others in the Fine Arts department, urging students to explore traditional African cultures to inspire their art, built on the Nsibidi witting system of his native Cross River region in Nigeria, as Ekpuk testifies in ''My Sources'' ( The Glendora Review).

In the history of Nigerian art, Okediji’s name is prominent. In the study of Yoruba thought and art and its influence in the diaspora, his name is strategic, as evidenced by his books and essays.

In terms of the visual exploration of Ifa symbolism, he is pre-eminent, as demonstrated by his reworkings of odu ifa in terms of varied visualities, from depicting its complete 256 graphic patterns to recreating them in terms of earth installations, evoking correlations between Ifa and Ile, Earth, as mother of all, as well as his multiple novel visualizations of the opon ifa, the Ifa divination platform and cosmological symbol.

The Significance of Moyo Okediji’s Recreative Initiatives in Relation to Yoruba Spiritualities and Knowledge Cultures

His creation of new ese ifa is the impulse of a person bringing his culture more firmly into the present, using it in examining contemporary issues, instead of limiting its literature to a timeless past.

His critiques of Isese, in general, and, Ifa in particular, address issues that are actually open secrets in the tradition, as diaspora Onisese have been crying out about them for a long time, decrying the way they are heavily billed for initiations and sacrifices and question patriarchal stances in some Ifa schools, such as blocks in some Ifa traditions of women from accessing its highest levels of initiation.

The animal sacrifice question is unavoidable, in the light of growing global ecological sensitivities and needs for more dynamic approaches to spirituality.

The critical stance Okediji is bringing to ese ifa is foreshadowed by such recent scholarly landmarks as Ogundiran’s The Yoruba: A New History and Falola’s Global Yoruba, which explore the social and ideological contexts motivating the creation of ese ifa and developments in Yoruba thought.

It is perhaps because the issues challenging Isese practices are more glaring in the diaspora that the outcry against Okediji’s critique may be seen as centred in Nigerian Onisese, who are perhaps more beholden to the traditional culture, while the general consensus among the traditionalists everywhere is against his positions.

Moving Forward in a Critical Unity

My summation- Onisese everywhere should engage Moyo Okediji attentively and critically.

No culture that remains static survives. Static spiritualities that survive sustain their staticness through violence, as dissenters are killed, attitudes depriving the tradition of fertilization by new ideas, leading to dehumanizations, cultures of violence, social stagnation and regression and an inhumane image of such a tradition, evident in today’s world.

Even those who want to continue with business as usual should engage with those who are suggesting new things so all parties may learn from each other.

This need to learn informs my ongoing book compilation of the debate ignited by Okediji, which can be feely accessed at The pagination is changing as the compilation is continually updated.

Rethinking Orisha Spirituality and Allied Systems: From New Ese Ifa to Animal Sacrifice Debates and Beyond




Also published on 




Thursday, 5 May 2022

A Scholar's Creation of a Dialogical Digital Kingdom:​ The Paradoxical Achievement of Social Media Educator​, Writer​, ​​Artist and Academic Moyo​sore​ Okediji


 ​           Social Media  Educator​, ​Writer​, Professor of Art and Art History

 ​​                                    Thinker, Scholar, Contemplative Artist​

​                                                 Moyo​sore​ Okediji

Moyo​sore Okediji, also  known as Moyo​ Okediji is a Nigerian-American academic among whose most significant professional achievements, if not the most ​important  to date, is his work on the social media platform Facebook.


These accomplishments are   even more striking because such activity might gain him no professional rewards under the current reward system in US academia, where he is based, a Western model that is the template for the globally dominant educational and research system.


Okediji was already a highly achieved artist and scholar before his Facebook initiatives.​ ​He is one of the founders of the Ona art movement from Nigeria and a writer of strategic essays and books in African art history, scholarly achievements that have earned him a professorship in ​Art and Art History in the University of Texas at Austin.


Okediji is the founder ​and one of the administrators ​of the Facebook groups University of African Art, of  University​ of Ifa​, and of​ ​University of African Art (Département Francophone),  a ​version of the University of African Art ​more closely aligned to Francophone African art, ​and a powerful autobiographical writer on his Facebook wall, his imaginatively rich and fluid renditions of his life history also delivering potent insights into Yoruba culture and thought, his primary cultural foundations.


University of African Art has been a premier institution for the study of African art, particularly when Okediji ran regular interviews with figures in African arts, interviews held collaboratively with all members of the group who wished to participate, with Okediji as moderator, a demanding but extremely rewarding regimen which I'm not sure if Okediji has been able to sustain. 


The records of those discussions, called Face to Facebook Talks, remain accessible for reading on the group, however, even by those outside the group.


Beyond this targeted initiative, the group also has in it's records and ongoing, rich, spontaneously emerging discussions on ​various ​subjects in African art.


University ​of Ifa ​is a space for the presentation and discussion of phenomena associated with the Yoruba Ifa knowledge system, an interdisciplinary network Okediji also explores in his art and writing.​ ​The group might not be as cerebral as University of African Art, but is rich in content and vibrant in activity.



As a person with a long and ongoing  involvement in artistic ecosystems and study in Nigeria and the US, Okediji regularly explores issues in this field through his essays and artwork published on his Facebook wall and in University of African Arts.


His large Facebook network, related to  the various communities his offline and online activities  intersect, ensures that his posts receive a high degree of attention and of informed and articulate commentary.


Central to the dynamism of his Facebook wall is the autobiographical series he has been publishing there, at times correlating narrative vividness with explorations of the penetralia of Yoruba culture and thought emerging from specific episodes in his life's journey, such as the tenderly moving encounters between himself as a youth and his grandparents, autobiographical accounts often visually framed by a picture of the author with his luxuriant white beard and witty eyes​ beside an engaging work of art by himself​, a complementary analogue​, in the present, ​to the voyage through distant years of childhood and youth he is narrating.


What are the possible futures for these creative expressions?


Documentation beyond Facebook is vital.


Social media has established itself as volatile. This is demonstrated by changes in Facebook policies, such as the radical downgrading of Facebook Notes and discontinuation of new writing using this more formal and more enabling publication platform than the Facebook wall. Th​e unsteadiness ​ogf social media archives ​is evident in even more radical policy changes in other social media platforms, such as Yahoo's discontinuation of Yahoo groups and the ensuing unavailability of the archives of those groups emerging from decades of deeply involved engagement across various spheres of activity those  groups​ represent​. These problematic transformations are represented in the negative changes in the fortunes of  some social media platforms across time, as in the experience of MySpace​, which the rise of Facebook significantly  diluted of active users​. These volatilities are further suggested by possibilities arising from Elon Musk’s ongoing takeover of Twitter.


These developments reinforce the indispensability of print media. Online activity expands the democratization of opportunities for expression and publication initiated by print media but does not replace it.


Print, in this context, however, ideally goes beyond the monological culture it often represents, in which knowledge is constructed primarily through the efforts of one person, or a small group, even though integrating the contributions of others, to a focus on the development of knowledge as a collaborative enterprise.


Print media​,​ ​when ​re-publishing a social media publication rich in informed and articulate commentary​,​ is enha​n​ced by also publishing the commentary. Such commentary is complementary to the social media text that inspires it, highlighting the various angles from which it may be perceived, expanding it's knowledge potential.

These developments reinforce the indispensability of print media. Online activity expands the democratization of opportunities for expression and publication initiated by print media but does not replace it.


Print, in this context, however, ideally goes beyond the monological culture it often represents, in which knowledge is constructed primarily through the efforts of one person, or a small group, even though integrating the contributions of others, to a focus on the development of knowledge as a collaborative enterprise.


Print media, when re-publishing a social media publication rich in informed and articulate commentary, is enhanced by also publishing the commentary. Such commentary is complementary to the social media text that inspires it, highlighting the various angles from which it may be perceived, expanding it's knowledge potential.

Th​e dialogical matrix of social media makes it  more Platonic than Aristotelian, more dialogical than expository, referencing two primary models in the globally dominant methods of developing and expressing knowledge. Social media is even more dynamic than Plato's ​iconic ​Dialogues in demonstrating how knowledge may grow from the art of conversation.

​Such impactful social media creativity as that ​of the academic who has made social media a primary space for his pedagogical hungers and expressive imperatives  needs to be also secured in a medium that protects it from the vagaries of social media, ensuring the work's continuing reverberation across generations.

The world's cognitive network, the system generated through relationships between learning possibilities across the globe, is changing. In this context, Okediji's initiatives, particularly his University of African Art and his publications on his Facebook wall and the dialogues they inspire, are part of the centres of actualisation within this  emerging cognitive universe. 

Wednesday, 29 April 2009



The maternal womb is considered to be the workshop where the Supreme Being causes life to germinate and grow.It is the privileged place of transcendence,the place of divine work.That is why tradition gives the rank of half-god to the woman-mother...

Earth,the feminine and maternal power,is also the receptacle of the universal power which comes from heaven through the intermediary of ji (water),yellen (light) and even dibi (darkness).

The Supreme Being in the Sudanese animist traditions created two fundamental principles which were inherent in all things:tyeeya (masculinity) and muesya (femininity).In West Africa,this principle of sexuality is applied to the members of the mineral,plant,and animal kingdoms.In this way,the sky is male,because in covering up the earth it fulfils its masculine function,while the earth is receptive,therefore feminine and maternal.Even today, "to cover up" in the Peul language means "to marry".The shape of an object determines its gender:all that is hollow symbolises the feminine ,while anything that projects outward represents the masculine.

Amadou Hampate Ba "Earth,Moon and Stars",excerpt from Aspects of African Civilisation by Amadou Hampate Ba in Parabola, 3.Fall 1989.48-9.


The Yoruba conceive of the cosmos as consisting of two distinct yet inseparable realms--aye (the visible, tangible world of the living) and orun (the invisible spiritual realms of the ancestors, gods, and spirits). Such a cosmic conception is visualized either a spherical gourd, whose upper and lower hemispheres fit tightly together, or as a divination tray with a raised figurated border enclosing a flat central surface--Henry Drewal, John Pemberton, and Rowland Abiodun, "The Yoruba World," Yoruba: Nine Centuries of African Art and Thought, p. 14.



In 2005

Polly Nordstrand (left) who is the assistant curator of American Indian Arts at the Denver Art Museum, and Moyo Okediji at a Denver Art Museum / Douglas Society event in September 2005

Moyo Okediji was born in Lagos Nigeria. Parents moved to Ile Ife when he was two. He had his primary education in Ile Ife, and went to Olivet Baptist High School, Oyo, for his secondary school. he returned to Ife for his university education in 1973, and was awarded a B.A. with honors in Fine Arts in 1977, by the University of Ife. Hereceived his MFA from the University of Benin in 1982, and returned to the University of Ife, where he became a lecturer. He founded and led the Ona Artists in Ile Ife, where he taught classes in painting, drawing, ceramics and art history. He organized several internationalconferences and symposia, and edited proceedings from some of these events.

In 1992, he left Ife for the University of Wisconsin, Madison, to study for a Ph.D. in art history. He completed his Ph.D. in 1995, and has taught Wellesley College, Gettysburg College, and the Universityof Colorado, Denver, before joining the faculty of UT Austin.

In Denver, he was also the curator of African and Oceanic arts at the Denver Art Museum. He organized exhibitions of historic and contemporary African art, published essays on the collection, andcurated the Oceanic and African galleries in the new Daniel Libeskindbuilding of the Denver Art Museum.

Okediji has also exhibited his own work as an artist in severalmuseums and galleries in Africa, Europe, and North America. He haspublished books and essays, including

The Shattered Gourd: YorubaForms in 20th Century American Art, and African Renaissance: Oldimages, New Forms in Yoruba Art.

Moyo enjoys African food, especially amala and gbegiri. But he is slowly adapting to exotic diets too.

By Toyin Falola

at the
USAAFRICA Dialogue Googlegroup

Image from

The Douglas Society at the Denver At Museum:

Tuesday, 28 April 2009


By Moyo Okediji

  • Paperback
  • Publisher: Bard Book (1992)
  • ASIN: B000J5CWE8


African Renaissance
Old Forms, New Images in Yoruba Art
by Moyo Okediji

ISBN: 0-87081-688-8
Binding: Hardcover Paper
Pages: 200
Illustrations: 20 color, 42 b&w
Published: 2002

African Renaissance: Old Forms, New Images in Yoruba Art describes, analyzes, and interprets the historical and cultural contexts of an African art renaissance using the twentieth- and twenty-first-century transformation of ancient Yoruba artistic heritage. Juxtaposing ancient and contemporary Yoruba art, Okediji defines this art history through the lens of colonialism, an experience that served to both destroy ancient art traditions and revive Yoruba art in the twentieth century.

With vivid reproductions of paintings, prints, and drawings, Okediji describes how Yoruba art has replenished and redefined itself. Okediji groups the text into several broadly overlapping periods that intricately detail the journey of Yoruba art and artists: first through oppression by European colonialism, then the attainment of Nigeria’s independence and the new nation’s subsequent military coup, and ending with present-day native Yoruban artists fleeing their homeland.

Based upon extensive interviews with the artists and critical readings of the existing literature on contemporary Yoruba art, African Renaissance: Old Forms, New Images in Yoruba Art will appeal to the art historian and art collector and serve as a wonderful introduction to the canon of Yoruba art for the general reader.




The Shattered Gourd
Yoruba Forms in Twentieth-Century American Art

Moyo Okediji
  • Hardcover: 208 pages
  • Publisher: University of Washington Press (June 2003)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0295981504
  • ISBN-13: 978-0295981505
  • Product Dimensions: 10.3 x 7.4 x 0.8 inches

The Shattered Gourd uses the lens of visual art to examine connections between the United States and the Yoruba region of western Nigeria.

In Yoruba legend, the sacred Calabash of Being contained the Water of Life; when the gourd was shattered, its fragments were scattered over the ground, death invaded the world, and imperfection crept into human affairs. In more modern times, the shattered gourd has symbolized the warfare and enslavement that culminated in the black diasporas.

The "re-membering" of the gourd is represented by the survival of people of African origin all over the Americas, and, in this volume, by their rediscovery of African art forms on the diaspora soil of the United States. Twentieth-century AfricanAmerican artists employing Yoruba images in their work have gone from protest art to the exploration and celebration of the self and the community. But because the social, economic, and political context of African art forms differs markedlyfrom that of American culture, critical contradictions between form and meaning often appear in African American works that use African forms.

In this book-the first to treat Yoruba forms while transcending the conventional emphasis on them as folk art, focusing instead on the high art tradition-Moyo Okediji uses nearly four dozen works to illustrate a broad thematic treatmentcombined with a detailed approach to individual African and African American artists. Incorporating works by such artists as Meta Warrick Fuller, Hale Woodruff, Aaron Douglas, Elizabeth Catlett, Ademola Olugebefola, Paul Keene, Jeff Donaldson, Howardena Pindell, Muneer Bahauddeen, Michelle Turner, Michael Harris, Winnie Owens-Hart, and JohnBiggers, the author invites the reader to envision what he describes as "the immense possibilities of the future, as the twenty-first century embraces the twentieth in a primal dance of the diasporas," a future that heralds the advent of the global as a distinct movement in art, beyond postmodernism.

"The Shattered Gourd is an original, searching landmark study. Through the vivid and powerful metaphor of the shattered gourd, the author explores the visual and verbal elements, textures and textualities, and the crossroads of Yoruba influences and their recurrence in African-American art." - Rowland O. Abiodun, John C. Newton Professor of Fine Arts and Black Studies, Amherst College




"Fela in Mamiwataland," a 2002 painting by Moyo Okediji

Photo by David Paul Morris for the Chronicle



The Dutchman, 1995
acrylic on canvas
48 x 72 inches
Nigerian, born 1956

The Dutchman was painted after Okediji spent time in the United States and gained greater insight into the daily realities of African Americans. He encountered firsthand how artists confronted that reality in their work. It was inspired, in part, by African American poet Robert Hayden's poem about the Atlantic slave trade titled, Middle

Jesús, Estrella, Esperanza, Mercy:
Sails flashing to the wind like weapons,
sharks following the moans the fever and the dying;
horror the corposant and compass rose.

Middle Passage:
voyage thorough death
to life on these shores.

This painting perhaps best embodies the theme of this exhibition. It may also signify Okediji's own psychic reconnection to his long
lost ancestors strewn across the Atlantic and to those who survived in the New World.

Prominent tints of blue, competing with orange complements, have dual signification — the deep waters of the Atlantic and the pain
at the root of African American blues music. Here is the Middle Passage experienced through Yoruba eyes, now opened to the
deeper aspects of that passage.

This piece was in an exhibit called:
Transatlantic Dialogue: Contemporary Art In and Out of Africa


Moyo Okediji's "The Dutchman"
By Michael Smith

With the end of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s came a new era in African American art, especially with painting. There was a revival of the subject matter of ancestors and the hardships Africans endured during the European Colonial period and the days of slave trading. Moyo Okediji, a Nigerian writer and artist recounted the story of the shattered Igbá Ìwà, the calabash that held the sacred water of life, in his book The Shattered Gourd (Okediji 3-5). He compares the shattering of the sacred gourd to the shattering of Yoruba culture by slave trade. He also tells this tale with his painting The Dutchman, which is similar to many other 1990s African American works with its style, use of color, composition, and subject matter.

The Dutchman is a rather large painting at 48 x 72 inches. It uses a variety of colors but is dominated by blue and orange. It depicts Dutch slave trade, as evident by the slaves in shackles, the Dutch ship labeled in the upper right hand corner, and the slave trader in the upper left hand corner. The work does not clearly depict these things; they are composed of seemingly random blocks. Figures are distorted and choppy, appearing in several blocks of several different colors with several different textures. For example, the central figure at the bottom has light brown hands, darker brown arms and head leading into a blue midsection and finally, small black legs that are offset from the rest of the body. The entire work is infused with wavy lines, giving the impression of the ocean and water. The lines seem to start in the upper left hand corner and radiate outward to the rest of the painting. There are a total of eight slaves in the work, most of them packed into the top. Most of them are wearing shackles and the ones that are not appear to be jumping into the water.

The style of The Dutchman is very similar to that of other African American paintings and prints of the era. The work appears to be a collage-like assemblage of blocks of color that are vivid and eye catching. The complimentary colors blue and orange were placed next to each other to create brightness so that the painting catches the viewer’s attention. The colors are significant according to the Ackland label. The blue could symbolize African American blues music, or also the deep blue of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a sad painting, and blue is one of the tools used to convey that sadness, as blue is often associated with sadness. A similar painting is Kerry James Marshall’s The Lost Boys. In this painting the artist used a combination of violet and yellow as well as red and green to call the viewer’s attention to the piece (Lewis 294). Lois Maliou Jones’s Jazz Combo is another example of typical works of the era, with bright, solid blocks of color, which again follow a complimentary color scheme (Amaki 199). The Dutchman follows the same stylistic approaches taken by other artists of the era with solid masses of bright colors combining to form images.

The collage-like assemblage of The Dutchman alludes to the artist’s story about the shattered gourd. The pieces that compose the painting are like pieces of the gourd that was shattered. The composition of the work is a triangle with the vertex at the bottom of the painting. The vertex at the bottom creates an upside down triangle. Rather than create a sense of stability as works do with upright triangular composition, this work does the opposite. It is as if the entire painting is teetering on the point at the bottom. The painting has been turned upside down and thrown into chaos, representing the slave traders coming into Africa and turning the people’s lives upside down.

Slavery as a subject matter for the work was also typical of African American Art of the 1990s. Emma Amos’s X Flag is an example of a work that contains images of slavery, with the Confederate Flag being the central focus of the work (Britton 86). The central focus of The Dutchman is the slaves and the slave trader that appears in the upper left hand corner of the work. He can be identified as a slave trader by his gun and skin color. He is the origin of the wavy and chaotic lines that represent the water of life spilled from the gourd. It is as if he knocked over the gourd and the water spilled all over the painting. According to the museum label, “The Dutchman was painted after Okediji had spent time in the United States, gaining greater insight into the daily reality of African Americans. (Ackland)” Perhaps the daily reality of the African Americans he saw was that they had forgotten their ancestors and lost their heritage and culture. This work reconnects the artist and African American viewers to their lost African ancestors that were traded as slaves and their lost African culture. The Dutchman also reflects Yoruba art. The figures have elongated bodies and enlarged heads, characteristics of traditional Yoruba works of art.

The Dutchman is exemplary of 1990’s African American art with its complimentary color scheme, collage-like composition, and allusion to slavery. It serves to remind viewers of the pain and suffering from the Atlantic slave trade, and the way it overturned the lives and culture of the African people, sending it into disarray like the smashing of the Igbá Ìwà. The artists of the era were trying to remind African Americans where they came from in an attempt to retain some of their African heritage.

Works Cited

Amaki, Amalia K., ed., A Century of African American Art. New Brunswick, New Jersey, London: Rutgers UP, 2004.

Britton, Crystal A., African American Art: The Long Struggle. New York: Smithmark, 1996.

Lewis, Samella. African American Art and Artists. Berkley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 2003.

Okediji, Moyo, The Shattered Gourd: Yoruba Forms in Twentieth-Century American Art. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2003.

From The Ackland Art Museum
